Three mosque fountains, built by Özata Shipyard owner Özdemir Ataseven for the goodness of his mother Hacı Eklime Ataseven and father Hacı Hulusi Ataseven, were put into service.

Özdemir Ataseven, owner of Özata Shipyard, a global brand and the pride of our country in carbon fiber shipbuilding operating in the Altınova shipyards region; Altınova Merkez Cumhuriyet Mosque, which he had built for the benefit of his mother Hacı Eklime Ataseven and his father Hacı Hulusi Ataseven, Hz. The opening of the Yusuf Mosque and Fevziye Village Mosque fountains was held before the Friday Prayer at the Cumhuriyet Mosque.

To the opening; Altınova District Governor Nurullah Kaya, Altınova Mayor Dr. Metin Oral, philanthropist Özdemir Ataseven’s mother Hacı Eklime Ataseven and his father Hacı Hulusi Ataseven, his son Hulisi Ataseven, AK Party Altınova District Chairman Hasan Victory, District Mufti E. Mehmet Soylu, Tradesmen Chambers President Mustafa Sancaktutan, municipal council members, Özata Shipyard staff, mosque community and citizens attended.

Chatting with the elders of the Özata family before the opening, District Governor Kaya and Mayor Oral mentioned the lack of a mosque in the district, and Özdemir Ataseven announced that he would have a mosque built in a needed area in the district on behalf of his family. Following this promise, Mayor Oral and District Mufti Soylu will start working on the issue in the coming days.

The opening program started with the recitation of the Quran by Ali Erkan, the imam of the Cumhuriyet Mosque. After the protocol speeches, the ribbon was cut and the fountain was brought by the participants. Then, District Governor Kaya and Mayor Oral gave plaques to Hacı Eklime Ataseven and Hacı Hulusi Ataseven and the program ended.

Özata Shipyard

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