Özata Shipyard, based in Yalova, produces passenger ships for Izmir and Istanbul from carbon composite material, which is stated to be 8 times more durable and 3 times lighter than steel, using vacuum infusion technology.

Özata Shipyard, which holds the title of being the first and a private shipyard to produce ships from carbon composite material, delivered 4 of the 15 ship project to Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. Finally, the final cruise ship named after singer and movie actor Dario Moreno, one of the symbol names of Izmir, was launched. The “Dario Moreno” passenger ship, whose interior equipment work is still ongoing, will be delivered to Izmir Metropolitan Municipality within 15 days.

The shipyard also received an order for 4 ships from Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. The shipyard is preparing to deliver the first of these orders at the end of March. The other ships will be delivered 1 month apart to be used on City Lines in Istanbul.

Ships produced from carbon composite materials with vacuum infusion technology offer fuel and maintenance advantages, although they are more expensive than materials such as steel and aluminum. It is stated that depending on the operating success of the ship, it can pay for itself in 4 years.

It is stated that the material is 8 times more durable and 3 times lighter than steel. Thanks to this feature, it can reach a speed of 30 knots with a lower power machine and less fuel. It also provides a great advantage in terms of body care work that needs to be done every year.

How did carbon composite technology come to Turkey?

Turkey became the fourth country to have a private shipyard producing ships from carbon composite material with vacuum infusion technology, after Norway, Sweden and Denmark with Özata Shipyard.

Özdemir Ataseven, the founder and owner of the shipyard, stated that they have 40 years of experience in the shipbuilding business. Stating that another facility was put into operation in Altınova after the company he founded in Tuzla in 1985, Ataseven stated that he also initiated the development of other shipyards there.

Stating that he constantly conducts research abroad on shipbuilding technologies, Ataseven continued his words as follows:

“I thought shipyards would get somewhere by producing special ships and specializing. I built container and dry cargo ships, but I also look at other shipyards, we all do the same things. I started buying small passenger ships. We made them mostly from steel. Then the need of the Coastal Police was ‘Hacıyatmaz’. We started working on known rescue ships. In the meantime, we are constantly researching. We are traveling around Europe, asking ‘What can we do?’ ” Then the tender of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality came out. We did not enter twice. Then we said, ‘Let’s enter this tender.’ The investment cost was very heavy. We had to invest 20 million euros in 1 year, which was very difficult during the crisis. This was a risk, but the industrialist lives with the risk. We decided on the tender in the final 20 days. We and a Norwegian company entered. The composite vacuum infusion system had not been tried in Turkey. “There were many people who said, ‘This can’t be possible, you can’t do it,’ but we said, ‘We will do this.’ If there is investment and the opportunity, our nation will do anything. Because our engineering is at a very good level. We entered the tender and won. We created a good team for carbon composite. Europe.” “When I travel around the country, there is no shipyard of our level that produces ships of this size from carbon composite material in terms of technology and capacity.”

Özdemir Ataseven stated that researchers from many parts of the world showed interest in their shipyards and said, “Lastly, a university group from Belgium came. We are opening our shipyard to everyone in our Knowhow department.”

“The Target is Europe”

Stating that the reason for entering the tender of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality was to bring this technology to Turkey, Ataseven gave the following information:

“If we had not brought this technology, this technology, just like Devrim automobiles, would not have come to us for another 30 years. We took it to the tender for 117 million euros. The Norwegian company reduced the price to 150 million euros because we were competitors, otherwise they would have bought it for 200 million euros. We are no longer interested in selling these ships to Turkey.” “We cannot achieve anything. Our goal is to sell these ships to Europe. Our competitors are certain, one or two shipyards in Europe. Our second goal is mega yachts, and most importantly, military projects.”

Özata Shipyard

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