Özata Shipyard, located in the Shipyards area in Altınova, hosted Altınova District Governor Nurullah Kaya and Subaşı Mayor Volkan Yılmaz.

Yalova’s Altınova District Governor Nurullah Kaya and Subaşı Mayor Volkan Yılmaz visited ÖZATA and GEMAK shipyards in the Shipyards Region and exchanged information with the authorities.

ÖZATA Shipyard owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors Özdemir Ataseven showed District Governor Kaya and Mayor Yılmaz around the shipyard and gave information about the shipyard and the work they do. After thanking Özdemir Ataseven, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ÖZATA Shipyard, Mayor Yılmaz said, “Shipyards are very important for our region and the people of the region. “Many of our citizens residing in the residential area of Subaşı Town work in shipyards, therefore our shipyards make serious contributions to both the region’s and the country’s economy”.

Later, District Governor Kaya and Mayor Yılmaz visited the GEMAK Shipyard and received information about the GEMAK Shipyard from the authorities. District Governor Kaya and Mayor Yılmaz, who also visited the shipyard, left the shipyard after wishing success to the authorities.

Özata Shipyard

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