The people of Izmir determined the name of their new ship through a survey. In the survey in which more than 500 thousand votes were cast, the name “1881- Atatürk” took the first place.

The survey launched online to determine the names of the 13 new passenger ferries and 3 new car passenger vessels ordered by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality from Özata Shipyard in order to improve maritime transportation has been concluded.

In the survey, which started on May 8, name suggestions were received online until May 30. Among nearly a thousand suggestions, names that were previously given to another vessel (vessel names registered in the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications in accordance with the legislation), those that violate moral standards, those that contain commercial messages, or those that contain letter and spelling errors are eliminated by the system, The voting started for the 50 names that received the most votes.

The survey, in which the people of Izmir competed fiercely to name the mother or father of new vessels, attracted great attention. 511 thousand 190 votes were cast in the survey that lasted 45 days. As a result of the survey, which reflected the competition between the fans of Izmir clubs with all its excitement, the sensitivities of the city were also revealed. In the survey in which the names Soma and Gezi were also included in the race, the name “1881 – Atatürk” received the highest votes.

Çakabey and Dokuz Eylül Met with The Gulf

The names of the first two of the 15 passenger vessels ordered by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to make sea transportation in the gulf more comfortable, faster and safer were determined as Çakabey and Dokuz Eylül. With the entry into service of all the new vessels, which are the world’s largest passenger vessels made of carbon composite material, the share of maritime transportation in public transportation in Izmir will double.

Özata Shipyard

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